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CEWAC is a research centre officially approved by the Walloon Region and the Belgian federal government and thereby allowed to participate in many research projects co-financed by public authorities.

Consultancy service

CEWAC is co-financed by the Walloon Region for its consultancy services in three fields of activity: Welding, Non Destructive Testing and Water treatment


AVATAR (coordinator SIRRIS, partners CEWAC, IBS, CRIBC) : Technological consultancy for innovative production processes and assembly ; 

T-TREFOR (coordinator CEBEDEAU, partners CEWAC, CELABOR, CTP, CERTECH) : Gestion et Technologies de TRaitement des EFfluents, EAU, AIR en entreprise ; 

WALPLUS (coordinator SIRRIS, partners CEWAC, Multitel, CRM, Centexbel) : Smart products and control systems for Wallonia.


Here are some examples of projects realized by the consultancy service :

- Advice in the choice of materials and/or assembly methods,

- Solutions to problems of rupture, corrosion and defects,

- Development of quality testing methods,

- Validation of processes,

- Calculation and modelling in the field of mechanics and hydraulics,

- Validation of hydromechanical systems.


Public funding


CEWAC took part to some projets in the frame of FEDER Projects 2007-2013 (funded by Structural European and Walloon Region funding), whose main part is now over. Two projects nevertheless profited from aprolongation and will finish only at the end of 2014. They are MICROSOUD and INTROTECH PME whose objective is to create an expertise in the fields of micro-welding and micro-control to place at the disposal of companies.

In addition, CEWAC took part, with 6 other partners, to the preparation of the MICRO+ projects portofolio within the FEDER 2014-2020 call. The role of CEWAC in this porofolio will consist in the encapsulation of microsystems by welding, their validation in extreme environments and the integration of microsystems in medical pumps. If the projects are adopted, they will begin in the first half of 2015.


3 regional collective research projects are currently running:

DPOD (Promoter CRR - Partners : CEWAC, Celabor, ULg) : Dépollution des Eaux de Ruissellement au moyen de Structures routières Drainantes. This project will be prolonged  in 2015 by DPODRAIN project.

FSW-PME (Promoter CEWAC - Partners  IBS, CRIBC, ULg ; beginning 01/07/2013) : The friction stir welding of high fusion point’s materials with profit to SMEs. This project is the second phase of the research initiated with STEELFSW project. This study concentrates on the study of the nuances of the tools themselves in one hand and the development of tools with  more complex geometry and, on the other hand, on the welding of other materials such as titanium or heterogeneous weldings.

PME-RIB (Promoter CEBEDEAU - Partners  CEWAC, ULg (Arlon)) : Integrated engine of biomethanisation: falling under the continuity of project PME-TANE, research aims this time to study, design, build and characterize an integrated master engine of biomethanisation, in order to  energetically and thermically develop the liquidwastes and solidwastes of SMEs of the agro-alimentary sector and agriculture. Always centered on small installations, the project is focused on the possibility of coupling the digestion of solid residues with that of waste waters of SME, while proposing an engine whose shape is adapted to the innovating process and by integrating a clarification of treated water, by the use of intrinsic overpressures to the production of biogas. 


2 projets internationaux de recherche collective (CORNET) sont également en cours :

InCoPi (Promoter EDFS – Partners  Fraunhofer IST, Fraunhofer IWU, ICTV, IBS) : Development of a cost-effective production technology for inside coated pipes.  La tâche du CEWAC consiste principalement dans la mise au point du soudage longitudinal des tubes sans altération du revêtement. The goal of the project is to develop tubes with an inside coating by an innovative manufacturing process. The  task of the CEWAC mainly consists in the set up of the longitudinal welding of the tubes without deterioration of the coating.

INNOJOIN (Promoter IBS – Partners  KUL, DVS, SLV Munich, LWF) : Development and evaluation of  advanced  welding  technologies  for  multi-material  design with dissimilar sheet metals.  The project’s aim is the development and evaluation of advanced welding technologies to perform the assembly of dissimilar plates. These dissimilar assemblies are of important interest for the companies which meet, more and more, this kind of problems because of the will to place the right material at the right place and thus to improve the performances, to reduce the weight and the costs.



SOLINOX (Promoter: ARCEO, Partners : Belsol, Malex, Cewac, UMons) : Development of an innovative absorber for thermic solar sensors, composed of two thin stainless steel sheets welded together before application of the selective coating. 


Industrial funding

In the purpose of industrial research, companies (mainly SME’s) can profit from various financial supports. In particular the « Technological Cheques » ( or technical feasability studies (


Here under, some examples of services carried out for companies :

Accompaniment for the preparation of the industrialisation of a new pump, 

Validation of a new method of data acquisition,

Exploratory Study aiming  the quantification of the internal escapes of a head of gauge, 

Study of the porosity of a plastic material, 

Comparison of welding technologies  to limit the deformations and the colouring of some stoves elements, 

Comparison of welding technologies  for the realization of an exchanger,

Study of the possibilities of assembly of heat  of an innovative design, 

Study of an innovative system of recuperation of energy,

Determination of the security level of a new type of innovative valve

Accompaniment for the preparation of the industrialisation of a medical device, 

Study of a mechanism intended to ensure the vertical displacement of a mobile platform, 

Experimental study of a demonstrator of gas turbine. 



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